Monday, July 5, 2010

Comments from Listeners

re: Canada Day Hudson:

Just wanted to let you know that it was a real thrill and an honour for OTT to have been give the opportunity to sing Oh Canada at the opening ceremonies yesterday at Hudson's festivities.

We had a lot of fun and good memories.
Sincerely, Marian Morkill

The thrill and the honour was ours.... your group is fabulous... thank you so much for coming and singing for us.
Donna Karpman, Hudson

re: Mondiale Chorale June 23, 2010

You gals did a great job and did us proud!!
Actually it was the best I have heard you.

All the best Alice

Friday, July 2, 2010

Canada Day Celebration

Here's a photo of our snazzy new converse shoes on Canada Day performance in Hudson.
OTT was invited to sing Oh Canada in 4 part harmony, and we didn't get rained on!

Hope your CANADA DAY celebrations were awesome. We even had the Queen in Canada for the day; singing "God Keep Our Land Glorious and Free" never felt so right on - in spite of all the criticisms we can throw at our government, the tar sands, our record on health and welfare of women and aboriginals, we are still an Awesome Country to Live In.
